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Toho Preserve DRI

The Toho Preserve (aka Kindred) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Development Order (DO) was rescinded, consistent with Florida Statutes on April 18, 2016 via Resolution No. 16-079R. The project is subject to the standards included in the Kindred Planned Development (PD19-00010). The Kindred PD consists of approximately 1,596 +/- acres of land with a total build out of 3,615 dwelling units, with 2,976 single-family attached and detached units; 639 multi-family units; 350,000 SF of Commercial; 100,000 SF of Institutional and 100,000 SF of Office.


DRI15-0007 Toho Preserve Rescission Resolution #16-079R
To access this document, click here and enter DRI15-0007 in the Permit Number field

PD19-0010 Kindred Planned Development September 16, 2019
To access this document, click here and enter PD19-00010 in the Permit Number field