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Land Conservation Advisory Board

Mission Statement

Osceola County Government has taken steps to preserve the natural beauty of the county and to ensure that there will be natural lands and water resources for future generations.

The Environmental Lands Conservation Program was created to acquire and manage environmentally significant lands with a voter-endorsed ad valorem funding source. This property tax enables the program to issue bonds for the purchase of land for water resource protection, wildlife habitat, public green space and resource-based passive recreation.

In September 2005, the Osceola County Board of County Commissioners hired the Environmental Lands Coordinator. The Coordinator assists the Land Conservation Advisory Board, County Commissioners, County Manager and staff with the responsibilities of acquiring and managing environmentally significant lands for public use in Osceola County.

The Land Conservation Advisory Board is comprised of nine members from the community representing such areas as, agriculture, business, education, the environment, government, civic organizations and the cities of Kissimmee and St. Cloud.

To begin acquiring and protecting natural lands and water resources, the process starts with a Site Nomination Form, which is available from the Environmental Lands Coordinator or click here to download the form. The completed form will then be reviewed by the Land Conservation Advisory Board for consideration for purchase as an environmentally significant site.

For more information about the Environmental Lands Conservation Program, contact the program assistant, Debbie Geer at 407 742-8650 or e-mail us at

Together, we can protect and preserve the natural beauty of Osceola County.


Osceola County Environmental Lands Conservation Program; Land Conservation Advisory Board Bylaws

Article I - Establishment, Name

The authorization for the establishment of this volunteer advisory board is set forth in Ordinance 04-28 of the Osceola County Code. The name of this organization will be the Land Conservation Advisory Board (LCAB).

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of the LCAB is to select and recommend for purchase environmentally significant lands to protect water resources, wildlife habitat, public green space and natural areas for resource-based recreation.

Article III - Officers

The following officers will be elected by the LCAB:

  • Chairman
  • Vice-Chairman

In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall act as the chairman. In the event of the chairman’s permanent absence due to resignation or other causes, the vice-chairman shall perform the chairman’s duties until such time as the LCB shall elect a new chairman. A chairman may serve more than one term if the LCAB so elects.

The term of the office for all officers will be one year or until successors are elected. Elections will be held at the November meeting of the LCAB, or as soon thereafter as practical, and will require a majority vote of all members present at the meeting. Any officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of all members of the LCAB.

Duties of the chairman shall include:

  • preside over all meetings and be an ex-officio member of all sub-committees
  • serve as a liaison between the LCAB and staff
  • shall authorize special, non-scheduled meetings upon appropriate request
  • shall execute all documents, if any, and see that all actions of the LCAB are implemented
  • may establish sub-committees charged with a specific task and time period, to report back to the entire LCAB
  • serve as the official spokesperson for the LCAB
  • shall authorize public input at LCAB meetings.

Special meetings must be called by the chairman at the request of staff or at the request of two or more members of the LCAB.

Staff liaison will be responsible for the secretarial duties including the keeping of meeting minutes, ensuring proper notice of all meetings, etc.

Article IV - Meetings and Attendance

The LCAB will generally meet at least once a month, or upon the call of the chairman.

Any member of the LCAB who misses more than two meetings in a six month period, or more than three meetings in a one year period, shall be reported by the Chairman to the Board of County Commissioners for possible removal.

Article V - Transaction of Business

A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five members of the LCAB who are physically present at the meeting. A majority vote is required for a motion to pass based upon the actual number of members present at the meeting.

No member may vote at the meeting unless physically present.

n the event of a conflict wherein a member must abstain from voting, a majority of members physically present must be eligible to vote in order for a vote to proceed. In such instances, a majority vote of the eligible members physically present is needed for the motion to pass.

Article VI - Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the members of the LCAB, and upon review by the county attorney.

Article VII - Rules of Order

The latest edition of Roberts' rules of Order may be used as guidance, and the meetings shall generally be conducted in the manner adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The County Attorney's office shall advise the LCAB on any parliamentary procedures that may arise.