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Osceola Sectional Hero
FEMA Floodplain Program
M - Th: 8am - 5pm
F: 9am - 5pm
1 Courthouse Square,
Suite 1400
Kissimmee, FL 34741

Flood Map Services

Osceola County implements all policies and regulations on behalf of its residents regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Community Rating System. The goals of this program are to inform residents, assist with questions regarding floodplains and flood insurance purchase requirements, and to distribute floodplain information. Many of these map information services are provided free of charge.

Regulated floodplains are illustrated on flood maps called Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).  FIRMs are the official maps for a community on which FEMA has delineated the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), which represent the areas subject to flooding by the 1-percent annual chance flood event.  On average, structures located within the SFHA have a 26-percent chance of flooding during the life of a standard 30-year mortgage.  

One frequently asked question is “What flood zone do I live in?” Staff is available to provide:

  • Flood Zone Determinations: (verbal determinations are free)
  • Information on development or reconstruction restrictions within the floodplain and updates to the Land Development Code.
  • Information about the FEMA FIRM maps.
  • Information about the County’s Floodplain Program.
  • Flood insurance purchase requirements.
  • Flood damage prevention outreach programs offered in each community.
  • FEMA Elevation Certificates within unincorporated areas of Osceola County are available for public review for buildings built after 1994 that were zoned in the floodplain during construction.

Map Information Service requests can be made by e-mail: or call 407-742-0200.

FEMA FIRM maps are available for free public viewing in Osceola County libraries or online through the FEMA Flood Map Service Center at: Osceola County also provides GIS information on the floodplain at:

Local floodplain information is maintained by Osceola County at:

Osceola County Administration Building
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1400
Kissimmee, FL 34741