Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was established to eliminate discrimination in housing opportunities and to affirmatively further housing choices for all Americans.
It is illegal to discriminate in housing based on:
- Race
- Color
- National Origin
- Sex
- Religion
- Physical or mental disability
- Familial status (the presence of children under the age of 18 or a pregnant female)
Federal and state laws protect you against housing discrimination and intimidation. These laws apply to activities which include:
- Renting
- Buying
- Advertising
- Financing
- Purchasing property
- Insurance
- Building accessible housing
It is unlawful for any person, including, but not limited to, owners, landlords, agents, real estate brokers, real estate salespersons, trustees, mortgagors, financial institution, title companies and/or insurance companies to discriminate against any person in the sale, lease, rental, or any other transaction involving housing.
You may have experienced housing discrimination if...
- you are told the apartment is not available to inspect, but a “for rent” sign is displayed.
- the manager takes your application and promises to call you, but your phone never rings.
- you have a service animal (such as a guide dog) and you are told “No pets allowed.”
- the landlord or real estate agent explains why another place would be better for you.
- your condo or homeowners association won’t let you make physical modifications to your unit to meet your disability.
- a lender imposes different terms and conditions on a mortgage loan (such as interest rates or application procedures).
- the landlord refuses to rent to you because you are a victim of domestic violence.
If you believe you may have experienced fair housing discrimination, please contact Community Legal Services at (800) 984-2920 or via email at fairhousing@clsmf.org.
Community Legal Services
Osceola County Housing and Community Services Department has no jurisdiction over private legal matters. However, please see the FDEM Region Map & Legal Services Delivery System along with the additional helpful resources below to seek legal counsel such as, housing issues to include evictions, rental issues, foreclosure, fair housing, etc.
Although, the first step is to apply online via the Florida Online Intake form, we have also provided you with additional information.
Osceola County Residents may visit Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida: https://www.clsmf.org/
CLSMF Legal Advice helpline link: https://www.clsmf.org/legal-advice-helpline/
CLSMF Legal Advice helpline number: 1-800-405-1417
HELPline Hours
Monday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- Tenant Rights - HUD.gov
- Landlord & Tenant Bill - FLsenate.gov
- Report Housing Discrimination - HUD.gov
- Housing Rights & Obligations - HUD.gov
- Know Your Fair Housing Rights When Facing Eviction - HUD.gov
- Osceola County Housing & Community Services