Harmony DRI
The Harmony Development of Regional Impact was originally approved by the Osceola County Board of County Commissioners on October 5, 1992 under the name of Birchwood. The development included: a maximum of 7,200 single, multi-family residential, ad resort residential units, 350,000 GSF of commercial space, 500,000 GSF of office space, and 1,000,000 GSF of light industrial space and appropriate support institutional uses. This DRI was rescinded by the BCC on October 17, 2016 under the Resolution 2016-177R. The property is regulated as a Planned Development (PF).
DRI16-0005 Harmony Rescission Resolution #2016-177R
To access this document, click here and enter DRI16-0005 in the Permit Number field
PD21-00008 Harmony Planned Development, July 1, 2021
To access this document, click here and enter PD21-00008 in the Permit Number field