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The Parkway / Park Equus DRI

The Parkway/ Park Equus Development of Regional Impact was originally approved by the Osceola County Board of County Commissioners on May 20, 1985 under the name of The Parkway Project. The Development Order has been amended several times and has a buildout date of August 30, 2021. The development includes: 1,593 hotel rooms; 2,159 timeshare units with possible 2,015 lockout units; 288 multi-family units or permanent time share; and 146,189 SF retail commercial.


DRI14-0002 Parkway/Park Equus 13th Amended and Restated Development Order, July 21, 2014
To access this document, click here and enter DRI14-0002 in the Permit Number field

PD14-00009 Parkway Park Equus Planned Development, August 20, 2014
To access this document, click here and enter PD14-00009 in the Permit Number field

AR16-00006 Biennial Status Report July 21, 2014 - July 21, 2016
To access this document, click here and enter AR16-00006 in the Permit Number field