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Remington DRI

The Remington DRI was first approved by the Osceola County Board of County Commissioners on March 26, 1990. The current development plan consists of 911 single family dwelling units, 1,502 multi-family dwelling units, an 18-hole golf course with clubhouse and maintenance facility, 20,000 SF of retail use. The DRI had a buildout date of March 25, 2006.


DRI98-0001 Remington Amended and Restate Development Order, May 26, 1998
To access this document, click here and enter DRI98-0001 in the Permit Number field

PD02-00019 Remington Planned Development, December 31, 2002
To access this document, click here and enter PD02-00019 in the Permit Number field

Annual Status Report March 2005 - March 2006
To access this document, click here and enter DRI98-0001 in the Permit Number field